Contract Terms templates

A Contract Terms template is an Excel workbook associated with a particular Regime. It determines properties of Contract Terms documents such as text formatting, names and contents of worksheets, and variable links. Once you set up a template for a Regime, all Contract Terms documents created under this Regime will look the same and contain the same fields.

Note: Contract Terms templates will be phased out in the future versions of FINANCIALS.

To edit a template, open the corresponding Regime, switch to the switch to the General tab. In the Contract Terms section, select Open from the Manage Template menu.

Each template contains its own set of worksheets depending on the Regime. To link variables to the template, click on The Link Input Variables button on the Palantir tab on the ribbon and the Link Contract Variables window will be displayed. It contains the list of all variables whose source was set to Contract Terms in the Regime, and auxiliary variables used to display dates, formulas and document information. To link a variable:

  1. Expand the Contract Terms section. Variables that have already been linked have a red check mark on their icons.
  2. Select a variable to be linked. Variable link settings will now be activated. The number of fields depends upon the type of the selected variable.
  3. Click on The Range Finder button in the Data Range field. The Link Input Variables window will be collapsed and you will be taken to the Excel file.
  4. In Excel, select the cells where you want the linked data to appear. The cell names will be displayed in the collapsed Link Input Variables window as shown below.
  5. Click on The Range Finder button in the collapsed window. The window will be expanded and the cell names will appear in the Data Range field. To delete the link, click on The cross button. The Data Range field will be cleared and you will be able to select a different range.
  6. Specify the variable link settings.
  7. Check the Apply Header box to display the variable name as the column header.
  8. Click OK to save the changes.
  9. If the variable has been linked successfully, its name will appear as a column on the worksheet and cells selected in the Data Range field will contain the <VALUE> placeholders.
  10. When you have finished linking the variables, we recommend typing test values in all cells to make sure that they are formatted correctly.